Tuesday, December 21, 2010

M-M-M-Massive Art Update!!!

Today I have for all of you people who for some reason are reading this blog a massive art update!  Hence the title.  Duh.  This post WOULD be smaller, but I've fallen behind on my posting, so it's bigger.

Portfolio Page: Post-it Note Murals
  1. This week showed us how to make mosaics using post-it notes.
  2. We looked at other mosaic works and past post-it murals for inspiration.
  3. My team brainstormed ideas of someone we could make a mural of and we decided to do John Lennon.
  4. We imported a picture into photoshop, changed the coloring, pixelated it, printed the picture, and planned the mural from there.
  5. The almost completed product is below.
  6. I think that this mural was amazing.  Its success came from our teamwork and shifting between jobs.  In the end, the product worked out very well.

Behold, John Lennon in post-it form!

A note on this project: Although I was on the team that did this mural, a member of another team left them for another group, leaving only two people to make their mural.  Because of this, I decided to help their group make their mural of Harry Potter, which is below in its mostly-completed glory.

It looks so magical! *rimshot*

Portfolio Page: Monalloon
  1. This project built on the mosaic concept by having all art classes create a large balloon mosaic of the Mona Lisa.
  2. We looked at our past mosaic works(and the Mona Lisa, of course)for inspiration.
  3. The idea came from something that Mr. Sands attempted last year with the classes.
  4. The image was already made and laid out, so all we had to do was create the rig for the mosaic and tie all the balloons in place.
  5. The final product is, once again, below.
  6. I think the Monalloon was awesome.  The success came from the constant work being made on it.  Although there were some troubles with planning and the balloon rig, it worked out in the end.

Yes, it is indeed awesome.

Our next project was creating spraypaint stencils, but I could not find any pictures of my work, so I'll just update the blog later with a picture of one of the works I did regarding the project.

My next project is a sketchbook assignment that I did.  We were tasked to create dragons, so I decided to make my own, realistic version of a cartoon dragon named Trogdor the Burninator.  Yes, that's right, I said "Burninator."

This post will be finished at a later time.

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